Usually in a spot like this, you might expect to see
some technical data on what kind of mics, recording console and other audio enhancements were used. Well, the fact is,
this was the early sixties - no stage front monitors, no sound man and a delay tape reverb and echo system known as an Echocord
(which is being re-introduced as "the warm sound of delay tape echo and reverb").
As far as recording
- one of our followers brougtht a reel-to-reel Webcor into a club where we were playing, set it on a table near the band and
set up a small desk mic with it.
The result was transferred to a cassette (when they came out) and sat in Bill's
basement for many years, resurfacing when he and Dave reconnected after almost 50 years out of touch. It was run through
some sound restoration plug-ins on Adobe Audition and the result is what you hear on this site.
Balancing was done
live by the simple expedient of listening to each other and adjusting your own volume accordingly.
The mistakes
are there - no retakes in live performance, and the sound is not anywhere near today's professional standards, but we
hope you'll enjoy it and we hope it will bring back some memories.